John Tilley b. 19 Dec 1571 in Shipton, England. d. 10 Apr 1621
in Plymouth, MA. Son of Robert Tilley and Elizabeth. m. Joan Hurst 20
Sep 1596 in Henlow, England.
Joan (Hurst) Rogers d. 1621 in Plymouth, MA
John Tilley ancestor of the Mayflower, though for some unknown reason he did not strike the same responsive chord as did John Howland.

If the claim of the "old Hartford Bible" is true, that Elizabeth Tilley was a granddaughter of Governor Carver, then
there must either have been two John Tilleys, or else the one must have had two wives and the first have been Governor Carver's
According to Shurtleff Genealogy publication 1917, Vol 1 pg. 61 - 62 John Tilley never married Elizabeth Carver. Elizabeth
Tilley's mother was Joan Hurst Rogers. And according to the Abridged compendium of American Genealogy "The First families
of America" vol 3 1928, by Frederick Virkus., John married Katherine Carver and there was no metion of Joan Hurst
Descendants of Howland have clung to the tradition that they could also claim descent from Gov. Carver, as it was asserted
that John Howland married his daughter. An "old Bible in Hartford, places her more naturally as Carvers granddaughter,
and Howland is also referred to as a member of Gov. Carver's family. But in a journal kept by Bradford and recently
discovered it is plainly stated that Carver left no descendants.
There was listed a previous marriage listed in Bridget Van Der Velde..1615, she is not the mother of Elizabeth Tilley.
Who would have been 12 yrs. old in 1621 after the arrival in the low countries.
In Part I p. 31 the Author states: I am told the Mayflower Society has abandoned the claiming of Bridget Van der Velde
1615. Which leaves the field open for Carvers as a second wife.

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